Archive for the 'Julie' Category



May is usually the busiest month in our household!  We’ve got my birthday, plus Mother’s Day, our anniversary, not to mention James and I have both our moms’ birthdays this month too!  Oh, and James’ sister got married two days ago!  LOTS of celebrating!!

Right at the beginning of May, I played a character in James’ 3 day staff retreat (from his work.)  It was a Sherlock murder mystery theme set in the Victorian age, and I was a suspect named Charlotte!  So fun!

This is my birthday/Mother’s Day in pictures!

Me and my momma celebrating!

First swim of the year!




May is the busiest month of the year for our family by far!  With my birthday, mother’s day, both our moms’ birthdays, end of school activities, dance recitals, etc. we have our heads spinning!  Here is a quick update of our May (so far) in pictures:

Asher and I went out on our first date together to Chick-fil-A’s Mother Son Date Knight.  The restaurant went all out in the medieval theme, and they even had questions at every table for things to talk about with your son.  One question I asked him was, “How can you protect me Asher?”  Asher told me he will protect me from cars.  😉

first date
Asher being knighted by a 6’5″ cow
there were bounce houses in the parking lot!

For my birthday and Mother’s Day, James let me have a relaxful weekend, and took the kids for the weekend to Fort Worth/Dallas.  They spent time with family, and the kids went on their first camping trip! More pictures to come later, but for now:

James, the kids, wtih their aunt, future uncle, and Oma

On Mother’s Day, we met back up in Temple at my parents house, and the kids went swimming and had a barbeque. The water was still a little cold I guess!

Rilyn jumping in for the first time!  (I think I put the sunscreen on too heavy on her face!)
Asher was NOT HAPPY with the water temp.!

After they got used to it, they started smiling again!

Ella has a rule:  having no goggles means she uses floaties!
jumping for joy
She found some goggles!
my almost 8 year old!

in moments of despair-a love story

There are two reasons why I’m writing this post today:

#1 February is about celebrating love!

#2 I heard a sermon today that reminded me about my “love story” with James in college.

I have been very blessed to not have had any earth shattering traumatic events happen in my life thus far.  When someone asks me to think about your last moment of true and utter despair, I think back to April of 1999-when James and I broke up.  We had been dating for a year and a month up until that point, (every month counts when you’re dating!)  Christmas of 1998, James gave me a watch (that I still wear everyday!) that was inscribed on the back “Till the End of Time” (yes, my English loving friends, he used the wrong spelling of “till” and I tease him to this day.)  Every naive college girl knows that when you give a girl a gift like that, you are FOR SURE getting married, right?  I mean, he wants me to till with him til the end of time!  😉  So, imagine my despair, when in April of 1999, James was convicted by the Holy Spirit to end our relationship.  He said to me that we were putting each other up as idols in our lives and our relationship became more important than our relationship with God.  (He was super holy like that.)  I was pretty devastated because he did give me that watch, so now what?

This is where the sermon comes in that I heard today.  It was about Jesus in the garden of Gethsemane and that He modeled for us how to act in moments of despair.

1.  Matthew 26:37 “He took Peter and Zebedee’s two sons, James and John, and he began to be filled with anguish and deep distress.”  We are to invite people into the depths of our struggles.  When James broke up with me, I was very fortunate to have the best roommate who knew the situation and how deeply I was hurt.  (And that roommate still lives by me today, around the corner in fact, and we live life together almost everyday.  It is not uncommon to find us going grocery shopping together in the same car!)  Love her!

2.  Matthew 26:38a  “He told them, “My soul is crushed with grief to the point of death.”  We are to share our weaknesses with them.  Jen, my roommate, got an earful almost every night.  She probably couldn’t understand most of it because I was sniffling back tears.

3.  Matthew 26:38b  (Jesus said to them) “Stay here and watch with me.”  We are to ask them to fight with us.  Jen helped me for sure during the 7 months James and I were broken up.  One of the best things she ever did during that time was when I opened our apartment door one day in May and she and another one of my friends had written encouraging Bible verses on index cards and taped them all over our apartment!  It felt like there were hundreds of verses and it meant so much to me!

4.  Matthew 26:39  “He went on a little farther and fell face down on the ground, praying, “My Father!  If it is possible, let this cup of suffering be taken away from me.”  We are to pour our heart out to the Father.  Some nights this felt impossible, because all I could do was cry.  But during the 7 months of despair, I found great comfort in journaling and the Psalms.  I also find creating things is therapeutic for me.  So in the summer of ’99, I created this 30 in. x 40 in. board:

I used all the Psalms that spoke to my heart during that difficult period and typed them up on different colors of paper with different fonts, and glued them together in a stain glass look of Jesus praying in the garden of Gethsemane.  I felt like this image of Jesus praying spoke to me most because he was in a moment of despair like me, (of course His despair was infinitely greater than mine!)

Psalm 22:3-5

5.  Matthew 26:39  “Yet I want your will, not mine.”  We are to rest in the sovereign will of the Father.  The top sentence on the above board is this verse.  In my heart I truly wanted God’s will.  And if that meant James and I weren’t supposed to be together, then I knew God had a better plan for me.  In my journal I wrote, “Father, thank you for loving James and I so much that you chose to separate us so that we may be closer to you.  Thank you that according to our strengths and weaknesses you have us each in perfect places this summer.  I pray Father, if it is your will, that you protect James’ love for me.  Lord, I want you to consume me, not my situation, not anyone else, but You.”

And that is just what He did.  I was alone all summer, no friends in town, James was out of state and then out of the country with no way to correspond…I was consumed by Him, and it felt so good.  I fell in love with my Savior again and then my Savior brought back my earthly love in due time.  It was a true love story.


a new year and no naps

Happy New Years!  It’s going to be another year of big changes for me.

2011 was the last year of diapers in 7 straight years of buying them.  Praise God!  I’m still basking in that joy…freedom from diaper bags is bliss!

2012 is the year that naps are gone.  I have had to build “naptime” in my schedule for the last 7 1/2 years and it’s now time for Asher to stop napping.  This is good and bad of course.  Now I’m challenged on how to find “me time” if there is even such allowance anymore.  The positive side is we don’t have to stop whatever we are doing during the day to drive home for his nap.

New Years Resolutions-I am not fond of them.  I’m pretty sure I’ve never made any.  I like things I can check off my list in a timely manner.  Something that could take a year to accomplish is frustrating for me.  I did hear something on the radio this past week though that I liked instead of making resolutions.

Choose a word and use it as a filter for everything you go through in 2012.

So my word for 2012 is HOPEFUL.

I am a realist, (some would call me a pessimist), at heart.  I pretty much always look at things as “it probably won’t happen like I want it to”.  I’m an achiever, not a dreamer.  I don’t take the time to enjoy things, I take pleasure in getting the things done.  I like to check off that I read the Bible/prayed, not to find joy in spending time/listening to my Lord.  This year though, I want to look at things and my relationships with others and most importantly, Jesus, with HOPE.

Hopeful that we will raise enough money to go to the Dominican Republic with Rilyn and Ella in July.

Hopeful that my son will learn to obey his parents.

Hopeful that my son will sit still long enough for a Bible story.

Hopeful that my middle child will come to know Jesus as her Savior this year.

Hopeful that I will be a more respectful wife.

Hopeful that my photography skills will improve.

Hopeful that I will spend more time playing with my children.

Hopeful that I will see the Bible Study I’m in for the spring not as a burden, (as in LOTS of homework), but as a blessing (as in LOTS of time getting to know my Father through His Word).

Hopeful that my oldest daughter will find a best friend who loves Jesus.

Hopeful for health for my family and extended family.

Hopeful that I will go to the gym 3 days a week and eat healthier…hey, I’m already starting to become a dreamer!  Look at that!  😉

Hopeful that all things in 2012 are happening not to me, but for me, and for His Glory.


christmas at grandma’s

Christmas afternoon we drove up to Temple to celebrate with my family.  Here are the four grandkids in front of all the stockings!  Next Christmas there will be one more!  My brother and his wife are having baby #2 in June!!!

Not sure what Rilyn is so happy about, but it probably has to do with opening presents!

grandpa with his girls
Ella watching the boys play with their new cars
one of Ella’s favorite gifts!  To wear at her 6th Tangled birthday party!
Rilyn getting a reward chart to play school at home!
daddy showing Asher his new Cars 2 Leapster game!

a props kind of christmas!

Last Friday we celebrated Christmas with James’ family!  I think the theme this year could be summed up in one word:  Props.  Lots of wigs, hats, and just silliness!

We set up a fun photo booth to show off all the props!

aunt Mandy and Ella
crazy sisters
me and James!

Christmas dinner Paquette style!

present time!
now she can make her own spa masks!
Happy Napper from Justice!

Merry Christmas!

May your only excess this season be of LOVE and JOY!

photoshop fun!

We chose this theme this year because we are going to be taking Rilyn and Ella to the Dominican Republic on a family mission trip in late July! We live with so much excess in our lives and we want the girls to see how truly blessed from God we are. We know He will do BIG things in the DR with each one of us. Break our hearts for what breaks His. Create in us a renewed love for others. Encourage us to go to the nations in the name of Jesus and spread His Love.
Here are some of the other shots that didn’t make the card, but still cute none the less!

my girls
love Asher’s look here
mamas boy

decorating time!

Last Friday, while we were in Temple, the kids and I helped my parents decorate their tree!  We do this every year right after Thanksgiving.  This year, it was finally Asher’s turn to put the angel on top of the tree!

grandpa lifting Asher up

Thanks to my sister, I got in a picture!

Rilyn peeking at me

Thanksgiving x2

We hosted Thanksgiving for James’ family again this year.  We celebrated on Saturday and had 15 people here!  It was a great time had by all and I think we can call our dessert portion a success when we had 6 pies/cakes, cookies, and chocolates!  We all ate some vegan dishes too, thanks to aunt Mandy and Allen!  James said the vegan strawberry cheesecake made the list of the top 3 cheesecakes he has ever had!

the kids table
Rilyn’s beloved aunt

Our guest of honor for 2 years in a row is James’ maternal grandmother. How special is it for my kids to spend the holidays with her?

great gramma

I started a new Thanksgiving tradition this year at my house that I found on another blog.  Here is the link if you want to print the banner flags for next year. Every year I plan on making another banner and so each year, I will accumulate another banner to decorate my house!  Each banner will be full of all the things we were thankful for that year!  By the time my kids are grown, my house will be FILLED with banners during Thanksgiving time!

I made each person write what they were thankful for .  (Asher really told me those things!)
2011 Banner will be hanging up next Thanksgiving 15 flags long!

Thanksgiving 2011

We celebrated Thanksgiving with my side of the family on Wednesday!  I believe this is our first posed group shot since Jessica’s wedding 2 years ago.

Eric, Jessica, James, Julie, Jeff, Becca

Ella, Grandpa, Caden, Grandma, Asher, and Rilyn

Of course, we always do the “around the dining room table” shot!

Thanksgiving meal

Grandparents with the grandkids! I love Asher and Ella’s faces in this picture!

My photography business!

May 2024