Archive for February 16th, 2012


celebrating the love!

All of us were very loved on from our family this Valentines Day!  My mom came on Sunday with her usual “holiday gift extravaganza”!  My mom also knows my favorite treat is chocolate dipped strawberries and she had them delivered to me!

they’re not spoiled   😉
this is his reaction every time he opens up a new car!

James did the sweetest thing on Valentines Day for the girls.  I told him that he was doing a good job of having the girls fall in love with him first, so hopefully they won’t feel the need to search for love in boys.  The girls feel special and beautiful because of their daddy!  Of course, we are teaching them that they should find their worth and beauty in their Heavenly Daddy first and foremost!  James bought them each a flower and a heart shaped balloon and surprised them in the school cafeteria with Sonic for lunch. James said both girls were blushing and all the teachers were “oooohing and ahhhing” at him for being so sweet to his girls.  That made my Valetines Day for him to do that for them.  What a man I have!!!  (By the way, we celebrated Vday by going to Wicked last week with our friends.  It was excellent!)
When the kids came home from school, they got lots of “happy mail” from family! (Getting mail is so few and far between these days, it’s a BIG deal to them!)  Then when James came home from work, I made him a scavenger hunt that ended with the clue “you warm my oven.”  I bought him a new toaster oven, (that’s when you know you are an old married couple!) and he loved it!

To cap off the holiday, we surprised our kids with “dessert for dinner”!  We didn’t tell them where we were going, only that we were going out for dinner.  We drove them to Baskin Robbins where both girls had tears in their eyes when we pulled up because they thought we were going to take them to McDonalds.  When we pulled into the strip mall and they saw Subway, they were upset.  No way they thought we were going to walk into the ice cream shop next door for dinner!  

They still are talking about it.  🙂

My photography business!

February 2012